
近日,美国联邦储备局明确将减慢加息的步伐,美元汇率长期呈现上升趋势,黄金也借着这波趋势迎来了价格反弹。 与此相反的是,油价却依旧维持颓势。这样的现象背后的原因究竟是什么?对于投资者来说,又该如何布局投资策略? 对于长期关注投资领域的你来说,这绝对是一次不可错过的研讨会。Trading Central亚太区研究部副主管林剑明先生将作为此次研讨会的主讲人,为你带来独到的市场和投资见解。 通过林剑明先生的市场洞察,结合你的投资经验进行相应的策略布局,相信你能在这次研讨会上获得的会比想象中多得多! 演讲者介绍: 林剑明先生毕业于香港大学,获工程学学士学位,在金融服务行业从事研究及翻译工作超过10年,现为香港证监会注册的负责人员 (Responsible Officer)。在干鼎 Trading Central,林剑明先生专门从事股票、外汇和大宗商品市场的技术分析,为客户提供独立和卓越的市场见解。

Fireside Chat on Nikko AM China Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility ETF

The China Electric Vehicles & Future Mobility (EVFM) industry is one of the most enduring growth sectors in the Tech scene today. This is an emerging industry, highly sought by investors both in China and globally. However, does the current broad equity market weakness present a potential entry opportunity? Webinar Outline Attend this webinar to […]

How to Use Automations To Earn While You Sleep

Hear from Binni Ong, a professional trader and Algo trading system developer on how she uses simple automation for her trades. These automations allow her to earn while she is sleeping, working or even on holiday. Do not miss this webinar to learn how to get started. Webinar Outline Different types of automations How simple […]

Strategies Of Riding A Successful Trade With Autobox

Support and resistance are foundational concept used in most analytical methods. While they are easy to understand, they are often difficult to spot during trading. However, they are very obvious after the price has moved. Webinar Outline Binni Ong designed “Autobox” – an analytical framework to: 1. Spot support and resistance in less than 3 […]

Remove Your Trading Frustrations with The Alien Wash

Have you been stopped out or made a loss from a trade and soon found out that this trade had moved in your original trade direction in a fast and furious way? Professional traders typically use automations that have been specifically designed to move the prices in the opposite direction to find a better entry […]

2022 Market Outlook

Hear from professional trader, Daniel Ang, as he discusses the major themes, outlook and some potential opportunities that investors and traders should keep an eye on. Some key topics to be touched on by Daniel include global inflation, rate tightening cycle, the USD, US indices and Gold. Do not miss this outlook webinar, tune in […]


2022年新年第一次线上研讨会我们来讲讲期权。作为金融动荡时期的安全港,黄金一直是大家首选的交易产品。那么黄金期权又是什么呢?其实期权的概念早已存在于人们的日常生活中:例如为房子,汽车付保证金;为了防止汽车事故和巨额医疗费用而买保险。在投资领域,期权的功能之一就是为投资组合上“保险”。期权的用途非常多样化,根据投资策略的需要,它们可以是保守的,也可以是投机的,同时期权具有风险确定和收益可能“无限化”的特性。 Webinar Outline 期权基本交易策略介绍 期权成为资产配置中的重要工具 黄金+黄金期权策略组合 根据不同场景和风险偏好选取对应策略 Speaker王友民—在衍生品、证券和债券领域拥有超过25年的经验,曾在台湾、香港、澳门从事金融投资管理及交易工作。出版过多部有关金融外汇投资策略的畅销著作。是海外衍生品专家,对风险管理、对冲基金、贵金属期货对现货避险等方面有独到的见解。

The opportunities and benefits of trading CME Micro E mini products

Tune in to this webinar to learn from David Ng, full-time proprietary trader with IcebergX Sdn Bhd, as he discusses the opportunities and benefits of trading CME Group’s Micro E-mini S&P 500 (MES) and Micro E-mini DJIA (MYM) Futures. Webinar Outline The importance of economic events and data in trading indices Will the US market […]