Weekly Outlook: Use price fluctuations for purchases

12 8 月 2024


The markets are “out of the woods, but not necessarily dry yet”, it is said. Further fluctuations are expected, but no major correction. The fundamental conditions are too good for that.

12 August 2024. FRANKFURT (Börse Frankfurt). After turbulent days with heavy losses and a strong countermovement, things look more normal in the new week. “Investors’ concerns have dissipated somewhat,” explains Helaba analyst Claudia Windt. Standard stocks have been snapped up again. “As long as the US recession worries turn out to be exaggerated, the stock markets should be able to calm down.” Commerzbank also believes that the calming of sentiment will continue this week. “A return to fundamentals is underway,” explains Thorsten Weinelt. The markets are “out of the woods, but not necessarily in the dry yet”. “Seasonally, the summer period is one of the weaker ones and the slowdown in US growth is now here, even if the fears of recession seem exaggerated.” There are also still five weeks to go until the “upbeat” Fed meeting. “This period is likely to remain volatile.”


The DAX, which fell towards 17,000 points a week ago, stands at 17.800 points on Monday morning – after 17,723 at the close of trading on Friday. The US stock markets ended trading on Friday with slight gains.


“Correction potential limited”

According to DekaBank, the correction was triggered by concerns about the US economy, but the real reason was the necessary adjustment of sentiment in individual market segments. “In particular, the technology and platform companies that dominate the market are under pressure to adjust,” explains chief economist Ulrich Kater. For the stock markets as a whole, the potential for correction is fundamentally limited. “Global growth is intact, corporate profits are rising slightly, the central banks are cutting interest rates and valuations have fallen back below their long-term averages with the price correction,” explains Kater. The increased price fluctuations should therefore be used for regular purchases. The bank sees the DAX reaching 19,000 points in six months and 20,000 points in twelve months. 


Time for stock picking

According to the fund company DWS, the correction was also overdue – despite all the positive prospects for artificial intelligence. However, the developments clearly show that broad diversification is important when investing in equities. “Investors have been very successful in the past two years even without diversification, provided they have invested in the major technology stocks,” explains equity fund manager Madeleine Ronner. In the long term, however, sensible diversification within the equity asset class is a must. Stock picking is becoming more important again, i.e. the targeted selection of individual stocks. For example, the US market is only partly highly valued, while some things are interesting from a valuation perspective – such as medical technology and transportation. “There are also exciting sectors that have nothing to do with AI, such as the aerospace industry,” says Ronner. 



Tuesday, 13 August 

11.00 am. Germany: ZEW Economic Sentiment August. Things are anything but going well in Germany, explains DekaBank. Geopolitical uncertainties and weak economic indicators have cast doubt on the hoped-for recovery in the third quarter. This is reflected in falling survey indicators and will also be seen again in the ZEW economic survey.

Wednesday, 14 August

2.30. pm. USA: Consumer prices July. According to Commerzbank, inflation in the USA has calmed down considerably, which the figures would confirm.

Thursday, August 15

4.00 pm. China: Industrial production July. Industrial production continues to be the most important pillar of the Chinese economy, writes DekaBank. Due to a base effect, the annual rate of change probably rose slightly in July. However, in view of the weak demand trend, no acceleration is expected in the coming months.

2:30. pm. USA: Retail sales July. According to DekaBank, US retail sales have probably risen relatively strongly compared to the previous month.  This was indicated by preliminary estimates and a significant increase in vehicle sales.


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看看我们提供的两种 ETF 差价合约:

1) ARKK 被击沉了吗?

方舟创新ETF(ARKK) ARKK 是 ARK Invest 积极管理的 ETF,根据其创新和行业颠覆潜力投资于一系列公司。 ARKK 最大的持股是特斯拉、Square 和 Zoom 等公司。 ARKK 从 12 日的峰值下跌约 -33% 2 月,由于市场经历了资金的避险外流,今年迄今处于亏损状态。然而,超级明星基金经理凯西伍德一直在加倍押注,购买更多正在经历动荡时期的成长型股票,如 DraftKings、Peloton、Teladoc 和特斯拉。在她看来,ARKK 正在玩长期游戏,并且仍然坚信这些成长型股票在当前波动之后的长期前景。同样在流出方面,投资者仍然对 ARKK 押注很大,因为 ARK Invest 今年在其所有六只基金中仅损失了约 $1.2B 的资产,而同期则流入 $15.1B。最近,投资者一直紧张地关注 ARKK 的一篮子科技股,因为它们未来的盈利潜力仍然容易受到高通胀的侵蚀——这是最近几周市场的主要担忧。随着大宗商品——近期通胀担忧加剧的主要因素——从历史高位急剧下跌,投资者对恶性通货膨胀的担忧是否被夸大了?

2) 寻找亚洲股票的敞口?

iShares MSCI Asia ex Japan ETF (AAXJ) AAXJ 目前的交易价格为 -10.6%,偏离 2 月份创下的历史高点,在当时亚洲范围内的股票抛售中放弃了收益。鉴于该 ETF 持有的略高于 40% 的资产位于中国,中国股市的持续动荡目前在 AAXJ 中几乎完美延续,因为中国投资者在过去一年取得了惊人的收益后喘了口气。展望未来,亚洲——尤其是中国,正在加速其经济复苏。外界普遍预计,中国将成为今年表现最好的主要经济体之一,大大提振企业盈利前景。随着亚洲其他地区和世界逐渐开放自己的经济,在贸易前景增强的情况下,AAXJ 可能会再次受益于亚洲的强劲表现。

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