尽管英国央行鹰派鹰派,但英镑兑美元因 Omicron 的担忧而暴跌

21 12 月 2021

GBPUSD Daily Chart


After hitting a yearly high of 1.4248 on 1st June 2021, GBPUSD has slid into a persistent downtrend and just recently revisited a 12-month low at 1.3169 early this month. While there are domestic factors causing the weakness in the Pound, the pair’s depreciation could also be a result of a strengthening US dollar amid market risk aversion. The US Dollar Index (DXY), which tracks the greenbacks strength against a basket of major currencies is consolidating above 96 after a steep climb in November which saw the index soar from below 94.

BoE Interest Rate Hikes

While there are many factors at play for the GBPUSD, a major event that took place was the unexpected hike of interest rates by the Bank of England (BoE) which sent the pound higher against the greenback, before retracing to the same level pre-announcement. The expectation for the BoE interest rates liftoff in the December meeting was almost certain until the emergence of the omicron variant in November which caused the markets to cast doubt of the rate hike. Fundamentally, most criteria set out by the BoE for a rate hike were actually met but markets became pessimistic about the rate hike as the uncertainty around the new variant incited fear that economic recovery would once again be dampened by fresh curbs on social and economic activities. The surprise move last week saw UK’s central bank raising its main interest rate from historic low of 0.1% to 0.25% in the face of persistent inflation pressures and a tightening labour market.

Omicron weighs on sentiment

Under common circumstances, a surprise interest rate hike by a central bank would be a bullish news for its currency but what played out on the GBPUSD was a sharp pullback to test its yearly low after the rally that was short-lived. The movements in the forex market is nothing but a balancing act of various driving forces and for this instance, the fear of the omicron variant has the upper hand and has exerted some heavy pressure on the pound. The UK has reported record levels of Covid-19 cases, with the government warning that the full effects of the latest wave are still yet to be seen. Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab also refused to rule out a tightening of social restrictions before Christmas, after bearing the news that twelve people in the UK have died with the omicron variant. In the UK, the effect of this fresh virus wave would be more strongly felt as the nation enjoyed largely loose covid restrictions, with no mandate to wear masks outdoor and relaxed travel restrictions. This larger than ever Covid-19 wave is dampening market optimism and has helped the safe haven US dollar strengthen against the pound.

Fed Taper & Rate Hikes

Against the backdrop of omicron-induced market risk aversion, the hawkish Fed continues to favour the US dollar buyers. Last Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated that the ultra-easy monetary policy that started since the Covid pandemic is coming to a close, setting path for tightening polices to curb highest inflation in decades. The Fed will be doubling the pace of its tapering, from $15 billion per month to the current $30 billion per month. The bond purchase program which was set to complete in June 2022 will now be concluded by March, after which the Fed expects to start raising interest rates as many as three times in 2022.


GBPUSD is captured in a descending channel which stretched back to June 2021 and the pair has been trending in the lower half of the channel since November. Technical indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) validates the bearish momentum in the pair. The RSI reading at 39 suggests there is still room for further decline before entering into oversold territory. Looking ahead, we believe that the pair will head south to retest the yearly low at 1.3169. If price pierces below this support level, traders could aim for psychological level at 1.30. In the alternate scenario where the pair stages a rebound, the dynamic resistance level will provide headwind for GBPUSD.


Wednesday, December 22

GBP – Gross Domestic Product (QoQ)(Q3)
USD – Chicago Fed National Activity Index (Nov), Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (QoQ)(Q3), Gross Domestic Product Annualized (Q3), Gross Domestic Product Price Index (Q3), Personal Consumption Expenditures Prices (QoQ)(Q3), Consumer Confidence (Dec)

Thursday, December 23

USD – Core Personal Consumption Expenditures – Price Index (MoM)(YoY)(Nov), Durable Goods Orders (Nov), Nondefense Capital Goods Orders ex Aircraft (Nov), Personal Income (MoM)(Nov), Personal Spending (Nov), Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Dec), New Home Sales (MoM)(Nov)

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  • 希望参与大流行后经济复苏的投资者可以在著名的 SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) 中建仓,该指数跟踪标准普尔 500 指数的表现。另一位可能相信环境未来重要性的投资者,社会和治理问题 (ESG) 可能会发现,越来越多的 ESG 主题 ETF 选择跟踪一篮子 ESG 评级高的公司是一项不错的投资,而不是手动挑选单个股票。 ETF 差价合约可以作为一种强大的工具,交易者可以通过持有多头或空头头寸从市场的两个方向获利。

看看我们提供的两种 ETF 差价合约:

1) ARKK 被击沉了吗?

方舟创新ETF(ARKK) ARKK 是 ARK Invest 积极管理的 ETF,根据其创新和行业颠覆潜力投资于一系列公司。 ARKK 最大的持股是特斯拉、Square 和 Zoom 等公司。 ARKK 从 12 日的峰值下跌约 -33% 2 月,由于市场经历了资金的避险外流,今年迄今处于亏损状态。然而,超级明星基金经理凯西伍德一直在加倍押注,购买更多正在经历动荡时期的成长型股票,如 DraftKings、Peloton、Teladoc 和特斯拉。在她看来,ARKK 正在玩长期游戏,并且仍然坚信这些成长型股票在当前波动之后的长期前景。同样在流出方面,投资者仍然对 ARKK 押注很大,因为 ARK Invest 今年在其所有六只基金中仅损失了约 $1.2B 的资产,而同期则流入 $15.1B。最近,投资者一直紧张地关注 ARKK 的一篮子科技股,因为它们未来的盈利潜力仍然容易受到高通胀的侵蚀——这是最近几周市场的主要担忧。随着大宗商品——近期通胀担忧加剧的主要因素——从历史高位急剧下跌,投资者对恶性通货膨胀的担忧是否被夸大了?

2) 寻找亚洲股票的敞口?

iShares MSCI Asia ex Japan ETF (AAXJ) AAXJ 目前的交易价格为 -10.6%,偏离 2 月份创下的历史高点,在当时亚洲范围内的股票抛售中放弃了收益。鉴于该 ETF 持有的略高于 40% 的资产位于中国,中国股市的持续动荡目前在 AAXJ 中几乎完美延续,因为中国投资者在过去一年取得了惊人的收益后喘了口气。展望未来,亚洲——尤其是中国,正在加速其经济复苏。外界普遍预计,中国将成为今年表现最好的主要经济体之一,大大提振企业盈利前景。随着亚洲其他地区和世界逐渐开放自己的经济,在贸易前景增强的情况下,AAXJ 可能会再次受益于亚洲的强劲表现。

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