SGT 0815
📉 BTC | $58,810 (-$1,913, -3.2%)
📉 ETH | $3,964 (-$185, -4.5%)
📉 XRP | $1.01 (-$0.10, -9.1%)
📉 LTC | $182 (-$16, -7.9%)
📉 Total Crypto Market Cap: $2.45T (-4.2%)
🧐 Bitcoin’s short-term holders have plunged sharply in recent days, typically a sign of profit-taking amidst uncertainty of Bitcoin’s near-term price action. Analysts remain split on the near-term price movements as well, with many watching for key support levels for guidance – such as around $53,000, the breakout point for Bitcoin in mid-October.
🐶 Doge-related coins continued their wild surge against the rest of the market, with Shiba Inu coin having overtaken Dogecoin as the 10th largest cryptocurrency by market cap.
💵 A county in Miami has set up a task force to explore paying taxes with cryptocurrencies. While still a long shot, this would be a relatively major move if accepted, and would be one step towards having authorities accept cryptocurrencies as an acceptable mode of payment.
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