Decoding Gold’s Cycles: What Retail Traders Can Learn from Commercial Traders

10 9 月 2024

作者:Phillip Nova 销售总监 Eric Lee

Every week, various U.S. based market participants report their futures and options positions to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This information is published every Friday in the Commitment of Traders (COT) report, which can be a valuable resource for retail traders seeking to understand market trends, especially in the commodities market like gold.


The futures market is largely dominated by institutional players, often referred to as “big whales.” By closely monitoring what these institutions are trading, retail traders can gain insights into underlying market trends, potentially improving their trading strategies.


In today’s article, we delve into the activities of a specific group of traders known as commercial traders. But who exactly are these commercial traders? This group comprises producers, merchants, processors, and end-users—essentially companies that need to buy, sell, or stockpile commodities as part of their business operations. These companies often hedge against price fluctuations in their inventories or increase their holdings when they believe the market is mispricing the commodity based on their business outlook.


When commercial traders hold long or short positions that deviate significantly from historical norms, they can tip the supply-demand balance, leading to trend reversals in prices. As shown in the COT chart from, commercial traders are represented by the red color. Over the past 20 years, whenever this red line dropped to an extreme low, it was typically followed by a peak in gold prices and a subsequent downtrend.


Another noteworthy observation from the chart is a four-year peak-to-peak cycle in gold prices. Previous peaks occurred in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. Based on this cyclical pattern and the fact that commercial traders are currently holding net-short positions in gold similar to those held in 2020, there is a possibility that gold prices could peak in the coming weeks.



Since October 2023, COMEX Gold has been trending higher, making a series of higher highs and higher lows. Traders considering shorting gold may want to wait for signals from the daily chart, such as the formation of lower lows or a break below the trendline or support level.

Both COMEX Gold Futures and Spot Gold (XAU/USD) are available for trading on Phillip Nova 2.0. If you prefer to trade Spot Gold at zero commission, you may trade the XAU/USD contract on our Phillip MetaTrader 5 platform instead.


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Eric Lee 即将举办的网络研讨会

For more insights from Eric Lee, do not miss his upcoming webinar on Tuesday, 24 September 2024Navigating the Yen Carry Trade: How the Yen’s Rise is Shaping the Future of the Nikkei 225. In this strategy webinar, Eric will share how the raising of the rates for the Japanese Yen will impact the stock market and subsequently the Nikkei 225 index. Don’t miss his insights, register 此处.


Eric Lee 的增值服务

我的客户受益于我的服务,包括单位信托和股票的投资咨询、基于我过去 20 年在市场中的个人知识和经验的投资见解。



Eric Lee 是 Phillip Nova 的销售总监。凭借在期货、外汇、股票和单位信托方面的专业知识,Eric 是一位全方位的顾问。无需花时间梳理无穷无尽的信息,即可做出明智的交易决策,因为 Eric 可以通过 WhatsApp 随时为客户提供交易警报和见解。凭借多年的经验,Eric 在交易和投资方面制定了系统化的策略。预订下面的免费辅导课程,以利用他的专业知识,因为他传授他的知识来改善您的交易之旅。

交易所交易基金 (ETF) 是一种有价证券,可用于跟踪几乎所有内容,包括特定指数、行业、商品或越来越多的主题。它们最常用于跟踪一篮子股票,通常可以通过与常规股票相同的渠道访问。 ETF 通常分为被动管理的 ETF,它们仅反映它们所跟踪的证券(例如 STI),以及试图提供更高回报或特定投资目标的主动管理的 ETF,通常考虑到预先指定的主题(例如 ARK Invest 的创新 ETF)。

我为什么要交易 ETF 差价合约?

  • 多年来,ETF 越来越受欢迎。 2020 年是 ETF 最好的一年,全球股票 ETF 在 12 个月内的流入量超过 $1T。使用差价合约获得 ETF 的敞口可以提高资本效率,因为只需合约价值的一部分作为保证金即可建立头寸。
  • ETF 尤其受到寻求相对轻松的投资体验,同时希望接触一系列特定且相对易懂的证券的投资者的欢迎。交易 ETF 差价合约通过消除交易者持有多种货币以访问全球 ETF 的需要,带来了更大的便利。
  • 希望参与大流行后经济复苏的投资者可以在著名的 SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) 中建仓,该指数跟踪标准普尔 500 指数的表现。另一位可能相信环境未来重要性的投资者,社会和治理问题 (ESG) 可能会发现,越来越多的 ESG 主题 ETF 选择跟踪一篮子 ESG 评级高的公司是一项不错的投资,而不是手动挑选单个股票。 ETF 差价合约可以作为一种强大的工具,交易者可以通过持有多头或空头头寸从市场的两个方向获利。

看看我们提供的两种 ETF 差价合约:

1) ARKK 被击沉了吗?

方舟创新ETF(ARKK) ARKK 是 ARK Invest 积极管理的 ETF,根据其创新和行业颠覆潜力投资于一系列公司。 ARKK 最大的持股是特斯拉、Square 和 Zoom 等公司。 ARKK 从 12 日的峰值下跌约 -33% 2 月,由于市场经历了资金的避险外流,今年迄今处于亏损状态。然而,超级明星基金经理凯西伍德一直在加倍押注,购买更多正在经历动荡时期的成长型股票,如 DraftKings、Peloton、Teladoc 和特斯拉。在她看来,ARKK 正在玩长期游戏,并且仍然坚信这些成长型股票在当前波动之后的长期前景。同样在流出方面,投资者仍然对 ARKK 押注很大,因为 ARK Invest 今年在其所有六只基金中仅损失了约 $1.2B 的资产,而同期则流入 $15.1B。最近,投资者一直紧张地关注 ARKK 的一篮子科技股,因为它们未来的盈利潜力仍然容易受到高通胀的侵蚀——这是最近几周市场的主要担忧。随着大宗商品——近期通胀担忧加剧的主要因素——从历史高位急剧下跌,投资者对恶性通货膨胀的担忧是否被夸大了?

2) 寻找亚洲股票的敞口?

iShares MSCI Asia ex Japan ETF (AAXJ) AAXJ 目前的交易价格为 -10.6%,偏离 2 月份创下的历史高点,在当时亚洲范围内的股票抛售中放弃了收益。鉴于该 ETF 持有的略高于 40% 的资产位于中国,中国股市的持续动荡目前在 AAXJ 中几乎完美延续,因为中国投资者在过去一年取得了惊人的收益后喘了口气。展望未来,亚洲——尤其是中国,正在加速其经济复苏。外界普遍预计,中国将成为今年表现最好的主要经济体之一,大大提振企业盈利前景。随着亚洲其他地区和世界逐渐开放自己的经济,在贸易前景增强的情况下,AAXJ 可能会再次受益于亚洲的强劲表现。

差价合约可用于在 Phillip MetaTrader 5 (MT5) 上进行交易。


  • 在牛市和熊市中交易
  • 进入门槛更小
  • 没有到期日期或交付风险


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