Watch this webinar to hear from Wan Zuhao, CTO of proprietary trading group, Synergy Link Capital, as he provides an overview of the Ethereum landscape and how it is different from Bitcoin. Zuhao will also share some details about the future developments of Ethereum and its potential implications.
- What is Ethereum and how is it different from Bitcoin
- The Ethereum 2.0 Roadmap
- Ethereum’s Triple Halving event and its implications
- Different vehicles of Ethereum
万祖豪是Synergy Link Capital的CTO。他擅长使用各种工具进行全球宏观交易,包括股票、商品、固定收益、外汇和波动性的期货和期权。他在统计学和机器学习方面拥有强大的定量背景。他设计并开发了一个被 Synergy Link Capital 广泛使用的综合风险管理系统。