
29 10 月 2021

SGT 0815
📈 BTC | $60,599 (+$1,674, +2.8%)
📈 ETH | $4,291 (+$332, +8.4%)
📈 XRP | $1.06 ($0.01, +5.4%)
📈 LTC | $189 (+$7, +3.6%)

📈 Total Crypto Market Cap: $2.58T (+5.2%)

🐋 The third-largest Bitcoin wallet with over 100K BTC bought the dip recently, scooping up around 1,161 BTC at around $58,500. El Salvador also bought around $25 million worth of Bitcoin (420 BTC), taking the nation’s holdings to around 1,100.

🤔 Facebook’s re-branding to Meta will likely have massive implications on the cryptocurrency space. As the company delves into metaverse-related offerings, NFTs are likely to be an increasingly important feature for creating unique identities, as well as for securing transactions between individuals.

🔎 XRP (Ripple) has been gaining increased attention on social media, with a large spike in the number of unique addresses utilising the Ripple network this month. Traditionally speaking, this tends to be a leading bullish indicator for the token, which may bear further watching in the coming days.

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